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  1. S

    9 month old won’t sleep at daycare!

    @caminator I can't imagine a 9 month old on 1 nap let alone a 4 month old. My almost 3 year old took 2 naps until 15 months and my almost 4 month old still takes like 3-5 naps a day 😂
  2. S

    Now that it is a bit colder I am always confused how to dress the babies

    @jeaninmt Both my kids run warm so I just check their core temp (put my hand on back or chest) if it's warm to the touch but bit sweaty then they are wearing the right amount of layers. If it's cold they need another layer. This generally means they're wearing the same amount of layers as me cuz...
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    Don't be discouraged by all the rosy posts on this sub

    @octavio We literally have never had no crying at bedtime 😂 when mine was younger I think that was just how she fell asleep. Even months after she was fully sleep trained she'd cry for 2-5 minutes and be out. Then she became a.gremling 2 year old and cries because she doesn't want to go to bed 😂