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  1. N

    Gun violence

    @j90 I read in the sub, when worrying about the same thing, that, the last thing you'll want to do if you lose a child, is parent another child. If I lost my son, my existence would not be this life I live. I don't know what it would be, but having a "back up" would only make it worse.
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    1 year mark

    @plentyofpaper Same except I'm about to hit 3 and think it might finally be getting easier. TBD. (Boy, wild AF, and I am a very girl, very proper mama so it's been a journeyyyyy).
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    “Nobody Wants Your Kid!”

    @manoah Yeah I’ve started to just be rude to strangers. I don’t owe them anything. Can I ask you a question? “No.” People like that don’t expect you to push back on them asserting themselves over you. What a fucking creep, I’m sorry.
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    Guilty for thinking this way?

    @littledot I think it was probably rude to mention these things while she is actively pregnant. There is always a chance her third could have any of the issues you mentioned, or cause these issues in her family. There is a lot of anxiety about the unknown when you're pregnant, so yeah, I can see...
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    She is one and done but I am a fencesitter, need some opinions

    @roovis I agree with this sentiment, but a lot of adoption agencies stress the importance of maintaining birth order for family harmony. I would recommend adopting a child younger than your son.