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  1. F

    Why, child? Just. Why?

    @pastoruc I'm so terrified for my future.
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    AITA for not wanting to go to restaurants with our 13 m.o. twins?

    @james02s40 It seems like you're more likely to give him issues with food if you don't manage to get your anxiety under control. :(
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    Sharing a crib

    @smaxiner 100% separate, it's not safe to have them in the same cribs. We very very occasionally napped them in a pack n' play together when they were very young (like 1 week) and swaddled and I was right next to them the whole time.
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @fab01 Yes, we have DBS checks here + references.
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @fab01 I'm in the UK but I was basically searching on childcare websites. Lots of back and forth online before inviting people for an interview.. then really just chatting.. asking about experience.. and questions like.. "How would you handle a situation where they were both melting down at the...
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @fab01 Yeah, I am super shy and super introvert so I really disliked the idea of having a stranger all up in my space but I reaaaally didn't want to do daycare and I wfh so I liked the idea of being able to pop out and see them.. Ultimately it worked out really well though. We took our time in...
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @fab01 There's actually a study (and related articles) that come up a lot on /r/sciencebasedparenting that talk about the impact of daycare at various ages. According to these studies, before 3 daycare is detrimental and can lead to poor behaviour at school. The earlier they go to daycare the...
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    I wOn'T dO tHaT wHeN I HaVe KiDs

    @rachelred827 Goddamnit I can't get my 5 month old twins to take a pacifier. For the love of my sanity I need that crutch so badly. >.