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  1. E

    What’s the obsession with teeth?!

    @meanstreak60 I have no kids yet and know nothing about kids teeth but to me having to start cleaning them later sounds like a bonus :D
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    Sleep length at 6 weeks

    @annnnnie Thank you! Glad to hear you’re getting some sleep :)
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    Sleep length at 6 weeks

    @sanguinecross Hang in there 🤞for 4h stretches XD Mine has always had short sleep just that he was more willing to sleep on his own before :,)
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    Sleep length at 6 weeks

    @jamzies Thank you for you reply! I’m watching my diet :,) my milk flow is rather rapid (spending a lot of time on those burps ah). It’s rather skim tho, idk if that could be it or baby just prefers having smaller meals before being full. With gas drops he doesn’t seem gassier than others just...
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    Sleep length at 6 weeks

    @maryslittleflower I wish you (and everyone else in need) sleep vibes~ It’s crazy how those little dumplings can resist sleep considering that’s the one thing wveryone craves later on
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    Sleep length at 6 weeks

    @gypsymay Thank you! I need this reminder on a loop!
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    Sleep length at 6 weeks

    @greg32 Congrats on improvement :) ! I really hope it gets better sometime soon!
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    Sleep length at 6 weeks

    Hello! My baby is 6 weeks old and is usually taking 1-1,5 h naps during the day and about the same length sleep stretches during the night. If I’m lucky I get a 2h one ( there has been one time when he slept for 3h :,) ). Hes waking up almost instantly if I put him down horizontally from gas or...
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    10 month old not sleeping. Losing it

    @jesussavedme2017 I know each baby is different but I never cap naps. Longest he has ever napped is around 4 h and it has never impacted night sleep negatively, if I wake him up he’s overtired and cranky. Does she sleep in a stroller or a carrier or ANY other way “on the go”? I’d try a couple...