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  1. B

    Next level rudeness

    @stevenglo Wow what an absolute nut job! Sad to say this type of ridiculous behavior at nail salons doesn’t surprise me. There have been loads of instances where they have made rude comments to a friend I was with once. When I was pregnant I got the but you’re so small comment. Too small. 😒 I’m...
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    @joyathome Hi op! I have a daughter who is on the cusp of turning 5. I also always thought I would have two kids, but my birth and daughters infancy through toddlerhood put my husband and I through the ringer. It was literal hell. I just recently started feeling like me again about a year ago...
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    I feel like a failure as a parent for not being ready for second kid

    @kimbob5688 I feel like this a lot op. Like jealous that those who had two had it easier than me. Or that their first was easy so it wasn’t a biggie to just jump into number two. My daughter did such a number on my husband and I that the fear of going through that again terrifies me when things...