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  1. G


    @bmoses We used HippHA when my little guy was diagnosed with CMPA and it worked really well for us! He outgrew the allergy after 6 months and we have put him back on kendamil now 😊
  2. G

    I don’t know what I’m doing wrong

    @irisbritney He is 4 weeks old, he drinks around 24-28oz a day and yes he does take a pacifier. Usually if he’s having a breakdown mid feed I’ll try the pacifier incase he wants to suck for comfort but he gets mad that there’s no milk and he cries more!! The last two days I’ve been able to get...
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    I don’t know what I’m doing wrong

    @rami_1 Yeah I feel the same because I helped raise my younger siblings and I never remember them crying like my little guy. Sometimes he just cries so much that he just falls asleep but I’m trying everything I know to soothe him. Hopefully doctor will listen to my concerns and give him some...
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    I don’t know what I’m doing wrong

    @rami_1 He has his next appointment on Wednesday so I’m going to mention it then and hopefully get it sorted. Hate the idea that he’s in pain all the time!!
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    I don’t know what I’m doing wrong

    @patrotter But is he even hungry? Cause when he drinks 5oz and looks for more I give it to him obviously but then he cries like he’s in pain while still trying to drink it. I give him gas drops but he just keeps wanting to drink more even when it hurts. Could it be reflux?
  6. G

    I don’t know what I’m doing wrong

    My son is a different baby during the night than he is during the day. At night he sleeps anywhere between 5-7 hours then feeds and goes straight back asleep for another 4 hours. He does this every single night after his bath and it’s amazing. He’s happy, I’m happy. But then during the day he...