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    Things You Should Know About Breast Pumps

    @archercrebb I hadn't thought of the distinction. Thank you.
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    Things You Should Know About Breast Pumps

    @amberwill22 You're a superstar. One is more than enough for us (for now).
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    Things You Should Know About Breast Pumps

    @amberwill22 That's great to know. Thank you. How are you getting on with the twins?
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    Things You Should Know About Breast Pumps

    @davenigeria I had no idea that was an option. That's great to know. Thank you.
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    Things You Should Know About Breast Pumps

    @abower12 They're all good points. I completely missed the non-monetary cost of breastfeeding/pumping. I agree - fed is best. Thank you.
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    Things You Should Know About Breast Pumps

    @katrina2017 Thank you. We're in the UK but I'm organising all my little research bits into a blog at the moment. I'm not really doing anything with that blog at this point but I like to be thorough so I'll include a bit about that in an update.
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    Things You Should Know About Breast Pumps

    Do we need a breast pump? What do we need to know? What are the different types of breast pumps and what are they best for? I didn’t know. Now I think I do. Hope this is helpful to some of you. What Is a Breast Pump? A breast pump is a device that lactating women use to extract milk from their...
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    Got to see her

    @jesselharrison Sounds amazing. Enjoy every second.
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    How To Choose a Pram, Pushchair, Car Seat or Travel System

    @gokotas Don't feel bad about that. It's not a Reddit thing. I made that up.
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    How To Choose a Pram, Pushchair, Car Seat or Travel System

    @rxqueen That's cool. I assume you're happy with your purchases? That's a fair point and something that could be manageable depending on where you live. We just couldnt manage without a the full travel system.
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    How To Choose a Pram, Pushchair, Car Seat or Travel System

    We knew nothing about baby transportation. This one took a while. Here's everything we learned. Pushcair, Pram, Buggy, Stroller, etc. I’ve always used the term “pushchair” when referring to anything in the pram/buggy/stroller world. As you’ll find out in a later section of this post, the names...