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  1. M

    partial night weaning 13.5 month old (x-post)

    @cheryl6397 Weekdays: 4:30-5am- wakeup, bring her in to bed with us while I try to sleep for a few more minutes 5:30- get up, have breakfast 6:15- nurse 6:30- leave for daycare 10:30- usually naps for about 45 minutes around this time (food at daycare is snack at 8:30, bottle at 9:45...
  2. M

    partial night weaning 13.5 month old (x-post)

    @cheryl6397 ahh no, sorry for the confusion! I just meant she didn't have any formula or cows milk. She actually started solids (purees) at 4 months, and now eats 3 solid meals and 2-3 snacks per day. She's very big (tall) for her age and always has been. 99+% on everything. I will add...
  3. M

    partial night weaning 13.5 month old (x-post)

    My daughter is 13.5 months. She was EBF up until about 6 weeks ago when we started introducing cows milk. She is now on almost straight cows milk at daycare and nurses when we are together (morning, evening, weekends). I am in no rush to stop that but need help with nighttime. I nurse her to...