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  1. S

    No colostrum at 36 hours postpartum

    @craighuntsherbs This is really encouraging. I have spent so much time in my postpartum room just for pain management alone, and it definitely feels selfish but I can literally not keep my eyes open half the time 🥲 I got some decent sleep tonight which feels great, and I’m really eager for more...
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    No colostrum at 36 hours postpartum

    @csanc I haven’t! I am hoping to take my first shower this morning and thought about trying to hand express after. I was using a manual pump at home for a couple days prior to delivery and came to the hospital with 13ml. I am debating sending my husband home to get it for me if nothing happens...
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    No colostrum at 36 hours postpartum

    @markum1972 Thank you for this 💙 I know it’ll be okay no matter what but it’s hard as a mom not to automatically blame myself and my body. Definitely need to grieve and process these emotions which is not going to be fun, I think getting more skin to skin today may help. Yesterday I think I was...
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    No colostrum at 36 hours postpartum

    @katrina2017 He is on respiratory support still so we are so limited on what we can do to bond, and at this point I’m almost feeling disassociated because I literally can’t be with him or hold him or anything. I am ready for the next step. Motherhood is hard but rewarding 💙
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    No colostrum at 36 hours postpartum

    @katrina2017 This made me cry. 😭 thank you for the encouragement. I am not giving up, just feeling sad so far :(
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    No colostrum at 36 hours postpartum

    I had my baby about 36 hours ago at 7pm. We had been pushing for 3 hours and he was not progressing any lower so he was delivered via emergency c-section. He came out not breathing and was taken straight to NICU. Neither I or his dad got to touch or see him for almost 9 hours. Because of my...