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  1. V

    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    @disciplinedidea I totally agree with you!!! I am looking forward to doing more gentle swim lessons while also teaching her life saving skills, when she’s old enough to know she’s learning and able to consent to some things. Older kids get warned they’re going to be dunked. Babies like mine in...
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    My baby won’t sleep and I’m at the end of my rope

    @pz128 OP I’m in the exact same boat at 12 months. If my baby sleeps in the crib, the max she’ll do is 1.5 hours for the first stretch of the night, then it’s waking every 15-60 minutes looking to nurse. We started bed sharing at 6 months for survival. Lately (months 11-12) sleep has been really...
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    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    @disciplinedidea When the instructor told me that my baby would need a refresher course after six months, I realized I wasn’t teaching her anything that was going to stick with her and I wasn’t going to change my caution around bodies of water anyway, so I felt it was an unnecessary mild form of...
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    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    @disciplinedidea ISR is so problematic. Effective or not, it involves making kids very uncomfortable and unhappy and I think it’s not good for them psychologically. I also think it attracts a certain type of person in that regard. I pulled my kid out but I truly think the instructor was...
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    Cosleeping moms... when did you ditch the C-sleep position?

    @rocknroll15 It’s so rough. I think I started putting a pillow behind me and rolling onto my back (at an angle still tilted towards her a bit) around 8 months. By that point she was fully crawling and could get to a seated position from laying either on belly or back. Now I don’t use the pillow...
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    How night weaning is going while bed sharing - a form of sleep training

    @isoloen Hi! Nightwing has been hard as my baby is very persistent. It’s been two months since we started the process and she still wakes often between midnight to 6 AM. She has learned new ways of self soothing back to sleep, which is great, but occasionally she still asks to nurse, and it’s a...
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    My 1 y/o is in the hospital with meningitis

    @bejoyful1980 There are actually vaccines for 4 types of bacteria that can cause meningitis. Two are given in infancy and the other two when kids are older.
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    My baby won’t sleep and I’m at the end of my rope

    @neostarwcc I’m not OP but thank you for taking the time to share your experience in a detailed way. I’m taking some of your advice too (night weaning my 12 month old). It means a lot to those of us who are lost in a sleepless fog and struggling to find gentle and supportive methods and only...
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    How night weaning is going while bed sharing - a form of sleep training

    @hocdmonster That’s so amazing and gives me hope. Thank you for sharing!! I also went back to work (fortunately from home) when she was 6 months and it’s been so hard to have such little energy and toggle between work brain and mom brain while completely sleep deprived. 5-8 hours sounds like a...
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    How do you make it through the first year?

    @shendude We bed share to survive and it definitely helps (can’t imagine what would be happening without it) but more nights than not, she is latching to nurse every hour due to teething. It’s a long night and a light sleep. The exhaustion never ends.
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    Floor bed vs bed sharing - safer?

    @starsilver117 Thank you, that’s a good point that it may not be the next step for cosleeping. We thought she hates being contained by the crib, but it may be that she just hates being alone.
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    Floor bed vs bed sharing - safer?

    @mattom I have the Guava lotus. I may need to start trying that again. It would have her on the floor re: the big problem, but at least with some barrier… Maybe I’m not being realistic about how sensitive my baby is to sleeping alone in the first place. I’m assuming she’ll even stay a sleep for...
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    How night weaning is going while bed sharing - a form of sleep training

    @yasminestaples I had the same problem with worrying about solids intake which is why I didn’t consider night weaning until recently. I’ve noticed she’s eating significantly more in the last month or so, but at 11 months I was not confident as she’d often even reject fruit purées with oatmeal or...
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    Floor bed vs bed sharing - safer?

    @mattom Thank you! For the mattress in the playpen, does it need to line up perfectly or is it considered safe to have floor space around the mattress? To be honest, we live in an arid area where spiders and scorpions occasionally get in. Sleeping on the crib mattress on the floor is going to...
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    Floor bed vs bed sharing - safer?

    A lot of people have suggested for me to transition my 10 month old to a floor bed to get my bed back. Aside from the fact that I’d probably have to get up to nurse constantly, I’m really not understanding how it’s safer. We do the safe sleep 7 and I can feel any time my daughter moves in bed...
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    How night weaning is going while bed sharing - a form of sleep training

    @sphynx Teething throws everything about the window for sure. I wouldn’t try this method on a bad teething night. Also, it’s recommended for older babies who are ready to be weaned, so I’d just ask your pediatrician first about night weaning and whether you need to make up the calories. I will...
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    How night weaning is going while bed sharing - a form of sleep training

    @deorah Last night went as such: Nursed to sleep around 6:45pm. Woke to nurse at 8:30. Woke to nurse at 10 and 10:45, and this point I realized she was crying out from teeth pain so we gave her Motrin. This kept her up until 11:30. Nursed back to sleep around 11:45. Slept through til 3:45! A 4...
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    How night weaning is going while bed sharing - a form of sleep training

    @deorah We’re very much in it together, it sounds like. Let me know how it goes, please! I’m very eager to see how tonight goes for us after last night’s hourlong intervention. Tomorrow is the last day of my mom’s visit and she’s been helping us recuperate during the day, so the pressure is on...
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    How night weaning is going while bed sharing - a form of sleep training

    @gigaquad I did ask my pediatrician about the anemia but he said it’s not a factor in baby sleep as far as he knows. That’s a good point. My baby has been a 11-12 hour night sleeper (with constant feeding) but does really short day naps so she averages around 13 hours in 24. However she does...
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    How night weaning is going while bed sharing - a form of sleep training

    @gigaquad Thank you, I appreciate that! I have heard of that group on here too, I don’t use Facebook much but next time I do I will check it out. Do you happen to know of some example medical reasons? My babe doesn’t have reflux or an apnea (from what I can tell) but she is slightly anemic...