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  1. C

    Seeking advice about having 3 kids in daycare!

    @inthesanctuary Wow what an interesting thought! I never would’ve considered splitting drop off but that makes sense. I remember when my second was younger and still breastfeeding it was difficult to match my morning schedule to my husband schedule- I’m an early bird and would like to get the...
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    Seeking advice about having 3 kids in daycare!

    @myopia Thank you for the kind words
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    Seeking advice about having 3 kids in daycare!

    @thelatebloomer I have a very flexible job as well, I rarely work 40 hours a week and can occasionally wfh. I could definitely adjust my schedule to be home to help my husband if needed for a few months. I can’t imagine jumping from 2 kids to 4 kids 😬
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    Seeking advice about having 3 kids in daycare!

    @jcox64 I had this thought as well, idk the going rate for a nanny but I think it would be close. My husband wfh though and doesnt have a private office and I think he still wouldn’t love removing our oldest from his routine.
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    Seeking advice about having 3 kids in daycare!

    @junobet We already outsource cleaning and will be able to maintain that with 3 kids in daycare. That’s the best money I spend each month, hands down. I can definitely wait and space it out a little more, I’m just eager to feel like my family is complete. My job offers a lot of flexibility which...
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    Seeking advice about having 3 kids in daycare!

    @buck1hunter Good point. Might be easier to make the adjustment while all 3 are going to one place. Luckily both my husband and I have very flexible jobs so I think we’ll be able to make daycare and school drop offs work ok.
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    Seeking advice about having 3 kids in daycare!

    @katrina2017 Yeah I ran the numbers and we would just reduce our contributions to savings by a lot and should still be able to maintain a similar life style. lol to whoever downvoted this. We have a 6 month fully funded emergency fund and we wouldn’t touch 401k contributions. We currently save...
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    Seeking advice about having 3 kids in daycare!

    @nccountryboy I do mental gymnastics when I think about having to drop off twins who can’t walk at daycare so it’s funny to hear you say it got harder when they could walk!
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    Seeking advice about having 3 kids in daycare!

    @icantthinkofausername I honestly have no idea if I’m cut out for it either. I’d hope that the fact that’s it’s temporary would help me get through. Also, I’d absolutely keep the older 2 in daycare while I’m on maternity leave for 12 weeks. Learning to be a sahm to 3 young kids while freshly...
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    Seeking advice about having 3 kids in daycare!

    I’ve never known anyone to have 3 kids in daycare at a time so I want to hear if I’m crazy for considering it. One scenario has 3 kids in daycare for about 8-9 months. This amounts to almost all of my take home pay- I’d have about $300 left a month. I know some people say compare the cost...