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  1. R

    I’m just f%cking tired

    @pencil_on_paper That’s true. It seems like it ends up being me just…figuring it out and then just that assumption that I have any clue what I’m doing (spoiler alert: I do not)
  2. R

    I’m just f%cking tired

    @pencil_on_paper This was so eloquently put. One thing that has really frustrated me is that the pediatrician just assumes I know what I’m doing. She watched my son roll at one of his appointments, but didn’t say anything about no more swaddles (I read that on Reddit). Then his last appointment...
  3. R

    Flat spot/r e f u s a l to turn head other way… thoughts?

    @mercychild I know some people frown upon it, but I took our son to a pediatric chiropractor. No, they don’t do adjustments or anything of the like. She just feels his jaw muscles and neck muscles for any tightness and does kind of a vibration with her fingers to release it. It has really helped.