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  1. F

    Did anyone start Preschool at 4 instead of 3?

    Oh... he did spend the first year like always sick. Of he wasn't sick then we were sick because of it. They we'd get better and he'd be sick again. Just minor colds and stuff, but annoying all the same.
  2. F

    Did anyone start Preschool at 4 instead of 3?

    @afolabi1024 We were going to wait until 4, but an opening happened at my friend's preschool and our boys are BFF. So he started at three. We lucked out because they potty trained him - he would not do it for us. It's been great for my mental health since my kiddo is very attached to me and I...
  3. F

    Apparently I should battle w/ my husband to name our baby

    @nicinc If you are cool.with it, do it. I had lots of names for our boy and husband shot them all down, so I just picked the best one off his lost. Having a girl this time and I get to pick the name. I was gunna get to pick even if it was a boy. (He got first last time and I got middle. He...
  4. F

    I HATE this experience. I hate everyone saying it will be worth it. I just hate it!!!

    @peteoro Go to the ER and get an IV. I had to do that around 10wks. Also, it really does suck and is miserable. My first pregnant was the same and I seriously did forget. Now I have baby 2 on the way and I'm like why the F did I want to be pregnant again!?