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  1. K

    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    @cutin Ah, I think you're misunderstanding me. What I mean is that the receipts should be actually sent to the credit card issuer, so the card holder can see them all centrally in their banking app or whatever.
  2. K

    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    @jasonclegg Except sometimes I simply don't want a receipt. I shouldn't have to divulge my e-mail address or create a new one just to get rid of the paper receipt. Our relationship is strictly transactional in nature. You don't need to be able to contact me. I'll know where to find you the next...
  3. K

    Son broke up with his girlfriend because she was too “freaky”

    @saylormom Sounds like merely being in possession of an avenue for arbitrary people to put arbitrary data into your possession – such as, say, an e-mail address, a phone number, an IM account, or a mailbox – would expose you to this liability.
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    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    @yoshichicka Hand sanitiser is way overused IMHO. It's great for germs, but soap and water is great for germs and dirt and chemical residue and pretty much everything else you'd want to get off your hands on a daily basis. Yet people use hand sanitiser because it's quicker, despite it being like...
  5. K

    Greenwashing and essential oils

    @idontadamandeveit You can't really go wrong if you avoid essential oils altogether. It's been so overused that the market is oversaturated with nonsense, and picking out the few things that aren't inefficacious at best and outright dangerous at worst isn't really worth it unless you're really...
  6. K

    Parenting discussion w/ husband

    @chamberlain94 You're underselling it. It's also social radon. Nobody wants to fraternise with a child abuser. You're basically ostracised – unless you're hanging out with others who have done the same, but then your social life consists of the kind of scum who would do such things, and that's...
  7. K

    Saved my daughters life when she was a baby

    @stignatius Smorgasbord is another recent Swedish loanword into English. And gravlax. Then there's a whole slew of older loanwords, of course, a natural consequence of living on a set of isles right outside Viking country.
  8. K

    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    @klad This is an exact quote of yours: This is, in fact, implying that the nonconsumption of certain meats is the direct reason that vegans live on average 10 years longer. You are, in fact, making “such a statement”.
  9. K

    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    @klad We almost agree. Where we differ is that the effects you're describing are mostly due to confounding factors. “Ditch meat and live another decade” is a gross oversimplification.
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    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    @klad Also makes sense, for pretty much the same reason. Turns out that people who put a lot of thought into what they put in their bodies put less crap in their bodies. Shocker.
  11. K

    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    @klad Not very surprising. The farther you venture from the path of least resistance, the better you're going to have to be to navigate. It's the same reason why Linux users are generally more competent around computers.
  12. K

    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    @klad So's sunlight, air, estrogen, leather, wood dust, and a lot of other ubiquitous things. Being a group 1 carcinogen sounds way scarier than it is, even if it's obviously something to have in mind.
  13. K

    Interpretation of digital thermometer readings

    @bastionhd Do you have a source for this? 36.5–37.5 °C (97.7–99.5 °F) is a typically reported range for normal body temperature according to Wikipedia. 35.6° sounds awfully low. The exact range isn't really important for an individual to know, I suppose. It's better to know what one's own...