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    Starting a co-sleeping tradition - once a week

    @rengb121 I appreciate the thoughtful response and I think your feelings are valid. I’m obviously biased in my opinion but I do think IF your child enjoys sleeping next to you (I know some kids who truly prefer to sleep independently) and you crave that connection, there’s no reason not to...
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    Starting a co-sleeping tradition - once a week

    @rengb121 I feel like you chose your words wisely so, if you don’t mind me asking, what about your decision do you deeply regret? I’ve bed shared with my two kids (my third is still sleeping in her bassinet for now, let’s see what the future holds).
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    Am I overreacting to my non-mom friends saying “just pump!” ?

    @ckatiejo Your friend doesn’t get it and that’s okay. What’s more important is that you have the confidence to do what’s best for your body and your baby. You shouldn’t feel pressured to pump by someone who has never pumped before and by that very same logic, try not to be offended by it either.