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  1. T

    My 7 year old never plays alone.

    @pecosheero I think your issue here is both the town you live in for the child you have + his neurodivergence needs. Is it possible to move to a town with more extracurricular or camp options, even if it is just for parts of summer?
  2. T

    An interesting observation: A note on taking research with a grain of salt

    @dundermifflinfarmer We didn’t find out sex till birth but I had gestational diabetes that we diagnosed very early because I was monitoring with a blood glucose meter before pregnancy. I felt kicks at 16 weeks and have great video for how active baby was in there. But as baby grew and I had to...
  3. T

    Working parent rant

    @abraham7777 We have that, and all 3 grandparents work so they don’t have time to babysit.