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    gestational diabetes while low carb--Is the test wrong if I don't carb-load for days before?

    @plope132 The safest approach would be to assume it was correct and also start testing your levels at home. My experiences are mostly with type 2 diabetes with my family members, but I've also had two friends who had GD. This is what my experience would suggest. Your diet sounds like it's...
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    Notes on childcare, revisions

    @rockhopper72 Thanks for the info! I'm definitely not concerned about the language delay (partially bc my nephew also spoke late, and partially because he tested at or above average for every developmental area except language, and that's only because of the one subscore (expressive)). His...
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    Notes on childcare, revisions

    @rockhopper72 I found the article well-researched and seemed to have a balanced take on assessing the sources cited. I would be interested in any research on
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    Baby flipped to transverse at 39 weeks and now OB wants to schedule c-section without trying ECV

    @hopefulandfree There's actually a really awful article from a woman who got too sucked into the super far granola crazy side of the internet of free birthing/natural birth and she waited until 45 weeks and ended up having a stillbirth. The whole time she was getting encouragement online from...
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    Any articles on car seat time limit safety? Husband wants to take 6 m y/o on 25 hour trrip

    @umaid We did multiple 5-12 hour car trips with our son between 11 months and 18 months. We got more successful each time. What it very much came down to was stopping every 90-150 minutes or so (except during naps, we just kept driving through naps) at a space with grass where little one could...
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    Am I too granola for crocs for my 2.5 yo?

    @ellyflowers We really like our Ten Little shoes and they have sandals.