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  1. M

    Wife feeling excluded

    @x902xxipher Please speak German to your kid. Your wife will eventually learn. I had the same conversation with my partner many times as he also felt excluded but I didn’t give up. Kids are perfectly trilingual and learning more languages and hopefully will become poliglot. Speak with your wife...
  2. M

    Do bilingual kids feel left out at school?

    @lippy1004 My kids never felt left out and made friends super easily. They used it to their advantage sometimes through community language is their 3rd language so sometimes they pretended not to understand nor speak when they felt like it but after s while teachers realized they actually...
  3. M

    24 months - when to intervene?

    @andylondon 2 is young. I would wait. I don’t think multilingualism has anything to do with it though but some kids speak earlier or later. I won’t worry yet and see if it improves by 3. Between 2 and 3 vocabulary and speech improves a lot.