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  1. S

    Here I am again with a second NICU baby

    @veitstoss It is so scary not knowing and worrying about worst case scenarios when your baby is in NICU. I hope you get good news and it is totally fine not to share anything with anyone until you are ready.
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    Here I am again with a second NICU baby

    @veitstoss I completely understand about not wanting to talk about possibly scary diagnoses. When my little one was in NICU the ophthalmologist that screens all the babies for ROP found white spots on his retinal. The most common causes of that would he congenital toxoplasmosis or CMV. He was...
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    My IUGR story so far…

    @mark730 Unfortunately, probably not the story you want to hear. My baby got diagnosed IUGR at 31 weeks. Dopplers were completely fine. He passed his BPP on 2/12 with flying colors. I went to my BPP with Dopplers on Valentine's Day at 33+4. I was feeling reduced fetal movement and it took him a...
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    How would you prepare a regular stroller sit for a newborn?

    @jeaninmt It doesn't appear from the website that what the store worker described is possible. The only way to use the stroller laying completely flat would be to buy the cots they sell. It doesn't seem to be possible to lay the regular stroller seat flat.