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  1. H

    Universal Childcare call to arms! -Mod Approved

    @brendawwentz Perhaps this could also spread to r/momsworkingfromhome and even r/sahp?
  2. H

    Does anyone else’s working spouse do this? I swear it’s cognitive dissonance

    @ajewelinhiscrown Pretty screwed up. Potentially a sign of serious deterioration. Some resources for you:
  3. H

    Is a floor bed not recommended for an infant b/c of the mattress?

    @exaltbass Anecdotal, and I tried to research this a few months ago and didn't find anything not anecdotal unfortunately... I didn't do a twin size floor mattress partially because the mattress isn't safe. You could do a toddler size floor mattress and that would be safe, as far as the mattress...