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  1. P

    Can’t Lose the Damn Weight - 2 Years Postpartum

    @quizteam Agree wholeheartedly! I was anorexic for most of my teenage years and 20s. I’m recovered and a healthy weight now but could easily find things to dislike about my body if I let myself focus on it. Instead of trying to reverse years of body dysmorphia and go from hating my body to...
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    Y’all, it’s not our fault

    @upon_this_rock Thanks for this! Just this morning my dad asked “it’s pretty unusual he doesn’t sleep through the night at his age, right?”. I hate talking about his sleep, because he’s 1 and still usually wakes twice. I feel like a failure and that everyone else is thinking we’re clearly doing...
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    How is everyone’s LO eating so much at 6-7 weeks?

    @kcollins14 Definitely worth talking to your doctor about dropping percentiles but the small feeds alone don’t seem very abnormal to me. My son only drank like 3oz per feed, every 2 hours, until at least 4 months. Then more like 4oz. He’s 10 months now and still averages 5oz per feed.
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    How the heck are y’all getting 3-4 oz from one boob!! I’m lucky if I can get 1-2 oz between the both. It’s driving me crazy!!

    @higherground I typically get 3-4 oz on my left and about 2 oz on the right. I don’t really do anything particular, but I did have to pump from day 1 because my son was in the NICU. Now I just pump whenever he takes a bottle and occasionally use the Haaka on the side he’s not feeding from if I’m...
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    What do you class as sleeping through the night?

    @sass My 16 month old only does 10-10.5 hours at night, so for us, I’d consider sleeping through the night needing no intervention between the hours of 8pm-6am. Most of the time he wakes between 4-6am and needs some back pats or comforting to go back to sleep. So, we’re 90% there but still not...
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    Babyzen yoyo or butterfly

    @coy I don’t have direct experience with either but was just debating between these both and the Joolz Aer+. I went with the Joolz because it’s lighter weight and folds up smaller than the Butterfly (not quite as much as the Yoyo but the next closest thing). It also has a higher back than the...
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    Am I overreacting to my non-mom friends saying “just pump!” ?

    @katiebug28 I agree with this. I personally have no preference and don’t mind pumping, so I wouldn’t be offended at this suggestion. OP’s friends may not expect her to have such a strong preference towards nursing.