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    PLS sleep group

    @romeohoy This happened to me, too. Thanks for making me think I'm not crazy.
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    They called us in for the conversation we very NICU parent dreads

    @szilvia I hope when you start tomorrow with a different doctor that you feel like a different person and get some positive feedback. I don't want to let my mind go to how devastating that conversation must have felt for you, but you sound like a very resilient person from how you wrote this...
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    A year later... Extreme IUGR

    @naturalsinner I had an IUGR baby (not a micropreemie, though) and I am always so happy to see these updates! There's a lot of talk on the Internet about how if an IUGR baby is going to "catch up" they'll do it in the first 6 months. And while that may be true for some, that timeline can be...
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    Wondering who else has dealt with high acid levels?

    @kayvin Just wanted to say that often the labs run on these little ones don’t correlate to normal adult levels, and it can be very hard to interpret them on your own (harder than if they were for you as an adult)—especially if you see the automated results before the doctors can round with you...
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    Mentally struggling not being able to hold my baby

    @thelearner92 The first few days are some the of the hardest and scariest you will go through; the separation--especially after a c-section--is incredibly hard. Also, your body is going through a huge hormonal shift and that is contributing to the added emotions of the situation. So definitely...