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  1. C

    Tell me I’m not “giving up” or a failure. Feeding 4 day old twins

    @igbokwe Exclusive pumping I always say is the worst of both worlds... Chained to a pump and also all those bottles to wash?! I wouldn't do it. It's a lot of work, way more than nursing alone. Not to mention, how you feel is IMPORTANT. If it's not working for YOU, that's important. Don't feel...
  2. C

    What are the most common unsolicited comments you receive when out with multiples?

    @nihal People lose their minds when I say yes mine are in fact identical. Like somehow that's more entertaining to them? I don't know why people care so much whether or not they are identical
  3. C

    4 kids (6, 4, 22m, 22m) with d+v

    @lawrenceraymond Godspeed Throw towels on top of everything to make clean up easier