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  1. S

    Older siblings of Reddit - what was / is it like for you to have a younger sibling?

    @ericak101 I have three younger brothers - one is two years younger, and my half-brothers are 18 and 23 years younger. I have - at best - a strained relationship with my oldest brother that I grew up with. We either got along great or were fighting a ton growing up. He’s a problematic person...
  2. S

    Are my concerns not worth choosing not to have another, and will I regret it?

    @jello123 Tbh I don’t think you can really know your feelings until you’re in it - getting the positive test, I mean. We were fencesitters about a second for a long time, leaning toward OAD. When our kiddo turned 3, we decided we’d try again because we had some feelings that we would regret it...
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    A matter of when not if…

    @leah_talbot My kiddo is closing in on 4, and I’m currently pregnant with #2. EDD puts the age gap at just under 4.5 years. IMO, there’s a lot of social conditioning (especially in the US) to have kids about 2yrs apart. That was never something that appealed to me because I used to be a nanny...