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  1. F

    Can’t stop missing the younger years

    @proangel 51 here with a daughter about to turn 15. She is my only child. I feel you so much! Even though we still have a good relationship and she is an amazing kid, i find myself, a lot lately, missing her sweetness and silliness from when she was little. Little things like how she always used...
  2. F

    Can’t stop missing the younger years

    @bryness44 That happened to me when Inside Out came out. The scene where the mom is in the ball pit looking at discarded memories of when her daughter was younger just about killed me. I cried so hard. And this was in anticipation of what was to come because my daughter was 7 or 8 at the time...
  3. F

    How do I parent my introverted daughter?

    @sunnyhope I had to check a couple times to make sure this wasn’t actually written by me! I am seriously not kidding. Maybe this is my husband’s post?? My daughter is also 15, introverted, has some great close friends, but otherwise seems very awkward in social situations especially if adults...