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  1. F

    Invented method: pretend you’re asleep, sleep training

    @loves2worship I think you might run into a small issue later on if you plan on having him fall asleep without crying in his crib (I'm not sure of your current sleep situation). Since you can't easily pretend to be asleep in his crib with him, he might make a fuss that he's not right next to you...
  2. F

    S.O.S! Mayday! Overtired cycle disaster, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO

    @mysz Thank you for your reply! He does not seem to have any snoring issues and he generally sleeps with a pacifier in his mouth (which might be a sleep association issue I guess, but I don't think it's the main issue). The only reason I hesitate to cut night feeds completely is that he had been...
  3. F

    S.O.S! Mayday! Overtired cycle disaster, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO

    PLEASE help. 9.5 month old, never been a phenomenal sleeper, but we co-slept and contact napped so that made up the difference. Now that he's older/more mobile/hitting milestones like crawling/standing, we're needing to transition to the crib, which lives in our bedroom (no other options). We...