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  1. J

    [RANT] Teacher said my child (nearly 7, M) has the emotional maturity of a 2-3 year old. Fuck her

    @jesus_save_me He's obviously a flawed human being.
  2. J

    [RANT] Teacher said my child (nearly 7, M) has the emotional maturity of a 2-3 year old. Fuck her

    @bangmegafan For what it is worth: my kindergarten teacher told my parents I was slow. Why? I refused to count to 100. I would count to ten, twenty, and thirty. After thirty, I found it repetitive because the pattern was the same. So I'd count 40, 50, 60, etc. I also refused to "mingle"...
  3. J

    I was led to believe he completed the second check after vasectomy, I am now 5 days late

    @sweetiicake So, it would seem like a lot of things are going on. If he did send in the kit, that would have been around March I'm assuming? I suppose there's still a possibility he did the right thing and just spaced on reporting the results and now can't find/doesn't have a copy. It is also...