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  1. F

    Husband job offer - more money, less flexibility

    @scooper8 Personally I am trying to set up carpooling for pre-K in the fall to help with drop off. Another family on my street has 2 kids who go the same school. I can do pick up (their kid and mine) much easier than drop off as I work an early schedule and my husband is in the office part time...
  2. F

    Am I the only one who doesn’t sign my girls up for dance classes/extra curricular activities?

    @anonymous9299 I have 2 daughters, 3.5 and 19 months. Maybe a year ago the oldest started specifically asking for dance class. She loves to have dance parties at home. I signed her up for a class that has the opposite of a “dance moms” vibe. No recitals, no outfits. It’s really about body...
  3. F

    Winter gloves for 3YO’s non-snowy forest school?

    My daughter goes to an outdoors school in a local park. It doesn’t snow where we live but we do get frost and freezing temps. When I dropped her off this morning it was 37 degrees (F) and the only gloves we have are knit that get soaked and cold almost instantly. Any recs for cold weather...