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  1. M

    I'm 16 and my dad makes have dinner at 7 PM and go to sleep by 8 PM. Is that normal?

    @keepy Let him think he’s still in control and blame the homework. Don’t rock the boat - it won’t be long until you’re out.
  2. M

    I'm 16 and my dad makes have dinner at 7 PM and go to sleep by 8 PM. Is that normal?

    @keepy How on earth do you get all of your homework/study done?? Are you just lying there at 8pm trying to fall asleep? It’s batshit crazy to fall asleep one hour after eating dinner. Your dad is controlling. Don’t rock the boat. If you want to stay up later than 8pm he will start checking...
  3. M

    I'm 16 and my dad makes have dinner at 7 PM and go to sleep by 8 PM. Is that normal?

    @hatbuddy OP can’t reply. She posted at 7.55pm and needs to wait until she can see all of these posts 🤣
  4. M

    10 Year Old Can't Read or Count

    @kreke Yes. Which is why I think all children who are this level of dim have their brain scanned. It doesn’t matter how much intervention this kid got - he was never going to cut it in mainstream classes. I think he got a trade not requiring a reading/writing aptitude. He was good with...
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    10 Year Old Can't Read or Count

    @kreke She needs her brain scanned. My friend had a child that his teacher suggested was epileptic because he would stare at her vacantly in class and she thought he was having an epileptic fit. He was about 12 years old at that time. He couldn’t read well, struggles with writing and couldn’t...
  6. M

    10 Year Old Can't Read or Count

    @v2kwame It’s too late for early intervention. This kid will never catch up.