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  1. P

    When is baby *not* going through regression

    @sungw my baby seems to be in a constant state of regression tbh. we get 1-3 good weeks maybe, and then right back to just sleeping like doodoo. she naps fairly well through the day most times, and can get a good 4-5 hour stretch most nights so i guess it's not /terrible/
  2. P

    3 months baby drinking 4 oz in 6 mins, am I doing anything wrong?

    @lorpro i was told it should only take 15 minutes max for baby to finish their feed. if they're taking any longer than they burn more calories than they intake. as long as babe isn't spitting it back up it should be fine. if you notice baby is taking longer than 15 minutes again it's time to go...
  3. P

    Preparing for the pitcher method as a FTM

    @sarnmere we were told 2hrs at room temp for formula, so long as baby hadn't drank from it yet, 1hr from start of feed to finish. measuring out single bottles ahead of time does save time and i did it in the beginning, it also saved time during the short stint i combo fed/bottle fed breast...