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    Easy activities that I can do with my 3.5 yo

    @micahalex Nice idea, thanks!
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    Easy activities that I can do with my 3.5 yo

    @saltlamp No I don’t. Thanks, I’ll have a look on Amazon
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    Easy activities that I can do with my 3.5 yo

    I'm currently 10 weeks pregnant and am having a hard time actually wanting to get down on the floor and play with my daughter. Usually I take her out in the morning and afternoon to a park because she is a very active girl but I was tired of doing this even before I got pregnant because there's...
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    Bedrails that lie flush against the bed?

    @aodh%C3%A1n Don't bother with the rails in the first link you posted. I bought very similar ones at first and they are really unsafe. Baby can easily get stuck between the mesh and the mattress. I sent them back and bought some from this company instead - look up the extra long...
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    Day 2 as working mom. O. M. G

    @mdeese I’m glad to hear from someone who waited until your baby was that bit older before you returned to work. I’ve just come to the decision to stay at home until my daughter is at least 18 months old and hope to get a mornings only role like what you’ve done. Sounds like you’re smashing it...
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    SAHP guilt... I feel like I’m not pulling my weight

    @atlas2023 I’m also in the UK, have a 10 month old girl and have handed in my notice to become a SAHM. I’m also breastfeeding every 2 hours (not because of a medical reason, just because my baby is obsessed with boobie!). It sounds like you are doing a great job. If you are having to tend to...
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    Help! Pre-k decision for toddler, second baby on the way

    @ccmrockman Ah that’s really interesting. We don’t have anything like that in the UK. When you were initially talking about it I thought you meant that you’d have to get your child involved in chores in the home and that’s why I was confused 😂 it sounds like a good idea but even as a SAHP I’d...
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    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    @pastor_rob I'm so exhausted today and remembered this conversation haha
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    Help! Pre-k decision for toddler, second baby on the way

    @ccmrockman I’ve never heard of this. Can you explain further what is meant by co-op just for my information please?!
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    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    @pastor_rob She still wakes up at 1am to come through to my bed and I let her because I can't be bothered to fight it. Then she will wake up a few more times in the night to be cuddled back to sleep. I have a 3 month old in a crib next to me and he already sleeps better than my 4 year old! Some...
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    We have everything working smoothly now... should we rock the boat or be OAD?

    @katrina2017 I thought about this some more and tbf I think that covid has actually played a huge part in the 18m-3y age being hard for me. We were in some kind of lockdown from 12m-30m so that’s probably why!
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    We have everything working smoothly now... should we rock the boat or be OAD?

    @chisel Okay so my personal experience is that 18m-3years was much harder than 0-18m. At 12m you’re probably not sure how difficult the toddler years are going to be for you but they do get so much more demanding. At some point they grow up and are no longer content with doing simple things like...
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    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    Also my kid only needs 9/10 hrs of sleep at night if she has 1 hr in the day as a nap so when she was still napping she wouldn't go to bed until like 10.30pm and would wake at around 8.30am. It didn't matter what I did, she wouldn't go to bed until late. Now she doesn't nap she goes to bed at...
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    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    @pastor_rob My first question is how much daytime sleep is she having? Secondly my kid went through a stage of waking up in the night for hours at a time and it was really hard. I used to take her downstairs, put a movie on for her and watch the real housewives of Beverly Hills on my laptop to...
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @kimrossie House B 100% especially seeing as the 'perfect' neighbourhood is only a very short drive away