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  1. T

    My baby won’t sleep and I’m at the end of my rope

    @pz128 I think the rhetoric can sometimes go too far and people forget that in some cases, that thing we don't like IS actually the best decision. As an example: I've always been a proponent of breastfeeding, and never thought I'd have issues with it. Then my baby was born, and we had nearly...
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    My baby won’t sleep and I’m at the end of my rope

    @pz128 My baby was the same. 8 hour stretches until 4 months, then waking every 15-45 minutes. The first two weeks were the worst. The first 3 months were the second worst. Gradually he started getting longer stretches. He's 10mo now and it's still hit or miss, but I'm getting a decent 4+ hrs...
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    My baby won’t sleep and I’m at the end of my rope

    @pz128 How long has she been waking up every 45 minutes?
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    Toddler tantrums are ruining my life

    @benzohar Distractions won't help him learn to deal with the emotions he's feeling during a tantrum. They need a regulated adult to be with them in order to learn self-regulation (this is a scientific fact). Would it help to know that this is normal, and all you need to do is ride it out with...
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    Struggling with ST culture

    @eleos2b Dr Douglas founded a charity which was mismanaged by the people in charge. She had to fight to take back control of it. The finances were such a disaster that they had to shut down temporarily to get things back in order, and that left a lot of families in the lurch (including mine).