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  1. S

    Are you OAD because you're scared of childbirth? C-sec to VBAC

    @naghiksarila Can relate to the autopilot part. In hindsight I was so chill, but like you I'm weak with pain too. I swore I'd do it naturally but once it got too much I tried gas, morphine, epidural (only worked on half my uterus 😵). I like to THINK I'd handle it better the second time but eh 😅...
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    Are you OAD because you're scared of childbirth? C-sec to VBAC

    @naghiksarila How old is your first?
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    Are you OAD because you're scared of childbirth? C-sec to VBAC

    @hirokoegan Wow, im so sorry to hear this 🥺 I hope you find peace with it all. In time you will realise how much you have grown from that experience and you will find a tremendous strength. I promise. You offer an interesting perspective.. my husband believes I can carry another child despite...
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    Are you OAD because you're scared of childbirth? C-sec to VBAC

    Hubby and I have a gorgeous 21 month old son. He is a dream. I'm oad (for various reasons), but I want to discuss one of those reasons today because i think its a big one in my subconscious. Hubby wants another baby but i dont. Atleast that's how i feel now. My first birth was an emergency c...