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  1. C

    Advice needed

    @leras That is my fear- that he won’t recover :/
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    Advice needed

    @xpower Oh the uncalm mother in me went to all sorts of dark places. I try to ground myself in the fact I don’t know exactly what happens there and so I try not to assume anything but I fear for my son. That’s the reality- he’s not safe
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    Advice needed

    @luckyrosie Thank you for that! I do plan on making therapy a condition- I’m not sure I am in my legal right to do so but I genuinely feel it’s important. Yes- I’ve told them many times that consequences and punishments seems to make it worse. I empathize with them and the struggles of dealing...
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    Advice needed

    @billy10388 Oh it has. They’ve both suggested we move out of state to “make it easier” when 1 year ago they refused to even entertain moving to the opposite side of town.
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    Advice needed

    @jada11 Great idea for the phases! That’s super helpful as my emotion is clouding my ability to consider the steps to take
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    Advice needed

    @jada11 No to him in therapy. They claimed he was and finished but my son was in for over a year- no way they sorted through his stuff in a month. I like your idea- thank you
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    Advice needed

    @sashaw3 When I saw the video last night- I lost it. I sobbed and almost vomited from anger and hurt. In the past they haven’t responded to my anger as well and it’s made things worse for our kids so I chose to focus on the hurt and sadness. I think he’s hurt too thus him resigning to...
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    Advice needed

    @procakes223 Thank you for this- I’m genuinely taking notes on how to proceed. I truly value the relationship between our kids and thier dad which is why we parted was so fairly with no alimony, child support or battle of parenting time. However our kids safety is more important than the peace I...
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    Advice needed

    @procakes223 Oh I did! And I used almost the same words. She is very brave and knows her brother is vulnerable. She even told me “if dad takes my phone away for recording it, I’ll call you from school to come get me”. So In her mind she was prepared for consequences and knows she can call me...
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    Advice needed

    @katrina2017 I have photos from past issues- texts- emails- and now this video. I just fear the legal system seeing me as “bitter baby mama” and not as the concerned mama bear that I am. My thoughts align with yours for sure
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    Advice needed

    @procakes223 Good point! It’s a challenge always when there is two homes with two different parents Safety first. Thanks for all the advice!
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    Advice needed

    @procakes223 I truly try not to. While my son was in therapy, he did tell the therapist that his dad firmly believes what happens in thier home is not my business and so we met as a family for 1-2 sessions to discuss how to handle this (not the abuse because my son wouldn’t address it directly...
  13. C

    Advice needed

    I’ve been coparenting 50/50, joint everything with my ex husband since late 2013. Our 2 kids are now 12 (f) and 10 (m). Divorce was amicable, no child support, equal split of decision making and time. He remarried in early 2015 and she has 3 children (now 15f, 13f and 11m). We’ve had our share...