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  1. N

    Holiday Interpretation

    @mekhappes I mean... The parenting plan has the power to evolve into an enforcement plan. But that requires you take it back to court. Unless this plan is non legally binding. If it isn't legally binding, though, it's status quo which also holds a lot of power... Again, should it come back to...
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    Facetiming a 1 year old

    Usually her explicit rights involve no responsibility from you. That's what a right is. What she doesn't have is the right to expect developments that haven't happened yet.
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    Facetiming a 1 year old

    @storieman It's not reasonable for a one or two year old to have a half hour long activity, nevermind a sit-down half hour long activity. Children at this age have not developed any reason to focus this long on just about anything. The expectation would absolutely cause distress, especially if...
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    I’m Concerned About My Exes New Girlfriends Intentions

    @harpazo56 I don't think anyone thinks these things through and puts super heavy weights on this kind of thing early on. You don't know her, you can't know her intentions or how she communicates them. They aren't settled in yet. It's just words and dreams right now and you don't need to...
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    Vacation Posturing

    @vanhiep240594 I think that's the issue; if the order is allowing for vacation, it isn't a commitment to share no-school days, and thus the childcare during those days equally. If the order was to share no-school days, that would be different than being entitled to a 7 day vacation or an...
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    Vacation Posturing

    @vanhiep240594 I am saying that regular schedule is regular schedule and luxuries are a negotiation. What I am saying is that if the childcare expenses are routinely split, it is what it is. If they aren't, she needs to figure that out. No matter what happens, having better attendance is...
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    Vacation Posturing

    @vanhiep240594 If she can't afford vacation, she can't afford vacation and there is no vacation. Vacations aren't anyone's right; they're a luxury, and in most cases where it can be afforded, planned, and well communicated by a parent, it is a very reasonable request to stray from the regular...