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  1. M

    Mother-in-law offered to come stay with us for the first week or two and I feel guilty that I don’t really want that. Am I being unreasonable?

    @papamoses I’m so sorry you went through that! Sounds like the MIL from hell.
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    Mother-in-law offered to come stay with us for the first week or two and I feel guilty that I don’t really want that. Am I being unreasonable?

    @everydaylily I’m lucky in that my hubby is planning to be the stay at home parent till she goes to school and the preschool he teaches at is already aware he’ll be leaving as soon as baby is here. It’s a really good point you brought up about those early doctor’s appointments though. Something...
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    Mother-in-law offered to come stay with us for the first week or two and I feel guilty that I don’t really want that. Am I being unreasonable?

    @supersenior That was a great read and made me feel more validated. Thank you.
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    Mother-in-law offered to come stay with us for the first week or two and I feel guilty that I don’t really want that. Am I being unreasonable?

    @johanaanderso I am planning on breastfeeding, so that is a good point too. Thank you!
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    Mother-in-law offered to come stay with us for the first week or two and I feel guilty that I don’t really want that. Am I being unreasonable?

    I’m only 8 weeks so have plenty of time to think this over, but my MIL offered to come stay with us when baby is born to “cook and clean.” Though I understand this comes from a good place on her part I am feeling like it is really something I don’t want and that refusing will cause drama with...
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    @godswill4me Aww that’s very pretty. I think boy names are so much harder lol
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    @rickardoholmes It was Sue, and she absolutely hated it pretty sure she’d haunt me if I used it 🤣🤣 Thank you, these are some great suggestions!
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    When did you start getting morning sickness and what has it been like?

    I know this is odd, but I’m a bit concerned because I’m week 8 and have had occasional food aversions but no steady morning sickness. I have gotten suddenly nauseous on occasions, but it is sporadic and not a daily thing. I was thinking I’d have it by now so am a bit worried something is wrong...
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    @katrina2017 I didn’t realize. That is a great suggestion and super sweet name. Thank you!
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    Hey all, we are struggling a bit with names and wanted opinions. We have a few first names and middle names we like, but I am open to suggestions or hearing how y’all picked out yours! If you like any of the ones we have so far let me know, I’ll keep the first and middle names separate as a mix...