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  1. H

    How much are you playing with your baby?

    @coachlittlez23 We have a little routine. 6AM Wake up Eat, “Help me/hubby” cook, Hangout with dad before work Nap #1 ≈30 minutes Eat, Go for a walk, Eat (to rehydrate lol) Nap #2 ≈45-60 minutes Eat, Tummy time or play time, Bath time Nap #3 so variable Eat, Books, Conversation, Tummy time...
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    My child is allowed to need me at night

    @sold4christ25 I hate that CIO is even a thing. It’s literally neglecting your child until they learn that no one is coming to help them ☹️
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    When your newborn is 40

    @sunny12051988 I’m reading this on hour three of trying to get my son to sleep. Thank you 🥹
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    Husband + cosleeping. Help.

    @liwinedivas That’s great!!
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    Husband + cosleeping. Help.

    @liwinedivas I think you should be honest about how you feel. It’s not selfish. Your feelings are valid. The nap is a great idea. My husband and I cuddle before putting LO down when I cosleep, can you do this?
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    Dressing baby with fever

    @aardverk I would dress baby lighter. Do you have any thin footie PJ’s? If not, I’d just do a onesie! He should stay warm next to you. I’m so sorry y’all aren’t feeling well! I hope y’all heal soon.
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    Idk how to sleep. Is my baby overtired?

    @axo Keeping the blinds open is a good start! I used to have a little routine of reading a book, singing/talking to him, and then doing tummy time! I would also put him in his little activity center (the kind they lay down on the floor in) so he can stare at things while I heated up some food or...
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    Idk how to sleep. Is my baby overtired?

    @axo At that age, we did 2-3 ounces of formula or breastmilk every 2 hours. Maybe try feeding him every two hours instead of three? See if that helps. Is he getting enough stimulation during wake windows? And what do naps/wake windows look like during the day? If you need help relactating...
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    Idk how to sleep. Is my baby overtired?

    @axo This is normal newborn behavior. It’ll pass. Do you have someone that you can do shifts with? Like person 1 takes a four hour shift taking care of and holding baby and then person 2. Also, bed sharing isn’t safe if you’re not breastfeeding. I’m not sure if you are aware of that but I would...
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    Idk how to sleep. Is my baby overtired?

    @axo How old is baby? They could be hungry. Please don’t leave them to cry. Do you breastfeed? You could let baby latch whenever they want at night, that always calms my LO down.
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    Idk how to sleep. Is my baby overtired?

    @slateblue I second this, OP. Babies will get overtired and scream their heads off at night if they don’t have enough daytime naps. At one month we did sleep, eat, and play. Baby napped for 2 or more hours, then ate, and played until he had been up 45 minutes to an hour (I had to put him to...