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  1. F

    Depressed Teenager Abroad

    @prayingp If he doesn't want to be there and he's depressed then it's in his best interest to go home. Hopefully you understand that condoms don't prevent crabs right? Tell him to go in the bathroom and shave his pubic area completely.
  2. F

    Manipulative 12 yo with mental illnesses

    @mumofthree I hear you I understand different cultures deal with things differently and mental illness is definitely something that isn't mildly understood in a lot of parts of the world. I hope he continues to try and understand so that he can be more helpful because it sounds like a lot of it...
  3. F

    Manipulative 12 yo with mental illnesses

    @mumofthree I used to take my daughter's phone away but the psychologist told me not to do that because basically all you're doing is taking away their world. Kids these days aren't like we were growing up, their world is in their phone. My daughter has attempted a few times as well and things...