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    How do you control your rage when your child physically hurts you?

    @mm1992 And edit to add: he has zero issues with potty or behavior at preschool. We just had his parent teacher conference on Friday and he said he’s doing amazing so I don’t understand.
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    20-30 minute naps

    @sherbetmayhem How do you typically have her nap?
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    How do you control your rage when your child physically hurts you?

    @mm1992 He’s aggressive when he’s under any kind of uncomfortable situation. Too tired, too hungry, has to poop, has to pee. The intense biting tends to be when he’s constipated or stool withholding I have noticed. I yell at him in his face bc it’s so painful. Then I apologize and we move on...
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    How do you control your rage when your child physically hurts you?

    @themagicman It sounds like it’s absolutely not the norm! Something is up and it’s both him and I! We don’t make a good pair it seems.
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    20-30 minute naps

    @sunsetrose I thought 18 months was more appropriate
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    How do you control your rage when your child physically hurts you?

    @7even7eas Good suggestions. I try to avoid social media too that’s a big one for me. Husband is the same way as I but a tiny bit more patient. He just says hit him back but that’s his culture. He’s a hard person to vent to bc his solutions to my problems just don’t align. Lack of sleep is...
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    How do you control your rage when your child physically hurts you?

    @asphaltpotato Yep it’s the reason I’m back in therapy too. And while therapy has helped me it’s not solving the issue going on with my child. My therapist basically told me to take a time out for myself and leave him in a safe area until I’ve calmed down. Problem is my son follows me...
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    How do you control your rage when your child physically hurts you?

    @parsonbrown I’m definitely not helping with the regulating of his emotions with support though. I just add fuel to the fire bc I get so angry and it turns into a vicious cycle until I finally can get some space from him and can calm down. He can regulate once I regulate. I’m the big issue in...
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    Is the preschooler age supposed to br this exhausting/what am I doing wrong?

    @lizlugo51 I believe I have borderline too !
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    How do you control your rage when your child physically hurts you?

    @parsonbrown Yeah I just have to close the door on him or I’ll snap. There will be a week with no issues and then the next week it’s all the time. I feel like I’m walking on eggshells around him bc sometimes I really can’t gauge how he’s doing to react. Some days there’s no issues with going to...
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    Is the preschooler age supposed to br this exhausting/what am I doing wrong?

    @lookx009 That’s exactly it. He won’t leave a mess if I’m hovering over him and micromanaging him but then it’s no fun for me. He doing lots more of independent pkay which is great and I remind him to clean up ness but that’s not realistic. I’m also constantly cleaning the kitchen I mean it’s...
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    How do you control your rage when your child physically hurts you?

    @tasha93 Nobody is abusive. But maybe I am honestly. I will yell in his face when he causes me intense pain. That’s why I asked on this group bc I’m so full of rage. It’s so painful and I can’t control it. And then I apologize and feel such deep shame for it that I’ll get depressed and then the...
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    How do you control your rage when your child physically hurts you?

    @tasha93 I know it’s linked to him being uncomfortable due to constipation and stool withholding. He very frustrated and I rightfully so but he lashes out. That’s what happened this morning was I asked him to try to poop and was helping him onto the toilet when he just lashed out and hit my...
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    How do you control your rage when your child physically hurts you?

    @meki Hugs to you and your husband. I could very well be dealing with postpartum rage too as I have a daughter who is 5 months. I’m seeing a therapist again yes :)
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    Is the preschooler age supposed to br this exhausting/what am I doing wrong?

    @lizlugo51 He would jump right over a baby gate lol the only way for him to stay in his room would be to lock his door which I don’t want to do. That just feels wrong. I’ve stood at the door before while it was closed and he will throw his books all over the room because he’s so upset. He’s...
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    Is the preschooler age supposed to br this exhausting/what am I doing wrong?

    @kyleeak This is a good answer. For mealtimes, it’s less about him eating or not but more about him sitting in his chair instead of running all over the house or throwing his food or utensils. I’ve tried redirection for this, saying we don’t do that, taking him to a separate room and talking to...
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    Happy Baby Carriers: schedules and colors, a guide

    @patriot46 I don’t get it