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    @epianoqueen Thanks for your response. This is all really helpful and good to know. I’ll bring it up with the pediatrician when the next appointment comes up.
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    @epianoqueen I didn’t know that was a sign of reflux. I’m thinking my baby might be doing the same thing. What did you end up doing? Medication or just smaller feeds?
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    How much are you playing with your baby?

    @bassgasmask My baby has learned to suck on his fists in such an exaggerated manner. It’s comical. He’s either tired but can’t sleep or he’s hungry so everyone from the roof to the foundation of this house must hear about it!
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    How much does your baby eat in a day?

    @augusto My baby has been eating 4-5 ounces (usually 5) every 3 hours since like 6 weeks. It’s still 8 feedings a day of mostly 5oz at 10 weeks. This is where my husband and I clash. He thinks we’re overfeeding and the baby is just fussy afterward, not hungry. I think the baby is hungry and...