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  1. A

    a question of entitlement

    @aronda75 What about the conversation establishing that parent a would be busy and parent b would not? Surely that at least neutralised any wfh assumption. That said, we both wfh mostly and neither with ever assume that means ability to care for the kids. Because it absolutely doesn't.
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    a question of entitlement

    @aronda75 You are giving parent b the easy out - they absolutely neglected their duty to ensure the kids had care and coasted on knowing parent a would ensure they had care (either by outsourcing or taking time off). Parent b sat on their ass. Both parents neglected to communicate. That's two...
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    Daddy sleeping in

    @corkscrew96 Requiring mum to be on todler duty for even longer after he already got a sleep in, isn't the solution though. He's getting double break, she's getting none. He needs to suck it up and manage the kid, whether it's on his lap or managing to keep the kids off and happy by himself.
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    My husband offered me an out yesterday

    @gospeltv Plus he gets weekends with her back that way, not just some foggy daytime and nights of video games.
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    a question of entitlement

    @kezia Just going to pint out, he didn't ask you to take thebday off either. So he basically walked out without arranging childcare and assumed you would do the arranging- either by taking the day off or outsourcing. Parent b left the full mental load on parent a by simply ignoring the problem...
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    a question of entitlement

    @bree1224 I do agree they need to communicate. But it's not a 'don't be mad at him you should have communicated' situation. He is the one who pulled the trigger on being not responsible for care, OP hadn't addressed care but also hasn't walked out of the house ignoring the problem. ESH but the...
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    a question of entitlement

    @bree1224 Right so if both work outside the home then in your book, the first to step out the door is in the right (routine hasn't changed yet) and the second to leave is solely responsible for care by default unless they communicate to the other parent in advance. Because the other parent has...