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    Your experiences formula feeding in public

    @carrythecross "What? She doesn't work, she can start drinking whenever."
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    “No DoNt Do ThAt YoU’LL HaVe To cLeAn ThE DiApErS!!!!!!!” - half our family/friends reactions when I said we’re doing cloth

    @pink1310 I sewed my daughter's diapers and training pants myself, hell no I am not throwing away an hour of work because it got a little poop on it!
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    Your experiences formula feeding in public

    @eilightened No one ever really cares, and if they do care and choose to comment they were going to find something to complain about anyway. Besides, how do they know what's in your kid's bottle?
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    2 weeks old drink every 2 hours?

    @fredthefrench My 4 week old drinks 3oz every 3 hours. I think they still need an ounce an hour, just like breastfed babies. Especially as formula gets closer and closer to breastmilk.
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    How do you prep for days out??

    @abaca55 Check with your child's doctor to see if you need to boil water. Boiling water is to sterilize the powdered formula, but most healthy infants don't need sterilized formula.
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    Babygoal v. Nora’s v. Thirsties

    @wisdom08 Thirsties has better resale value than babygoal, or you could dinate knowing the Thirsties will have a longer productive life than cheapies. Or, buy a couple of each.
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    Philips Avent natural vs natural response nipples

    @itsdagis My 7 weeker is using the size 3 as well, 4 is still way too fast. I don't think she'll need size for until at least 5 months, 4 at the earliest.
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    No co sleep unless your body does what it’s supposed to do?

    @leanora No idea. I think it's because it's not as filling so babies wake more often to eat and don't sleep as deeply.
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    No co sleep unless your body does what it’s supposed to do?

    @ddavis The safest cosleeping position is still much less safe than baby being in their own sleep space.
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    No co sleep unless your body does what it’s supposed to do?

    @redvelvetcake A lot of people think formula is the opposite of breastmilk, when they're actually extremely close fluids with a few minor differences.
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    No co sleep unless your body does what it’s supposed to do?

    @mike_l Breastmilk decreases the risk of SIDS, but formula DOES NOT increase the risk of SIDS. It has no affect on the baseline. I get it, sometimes a baby will only sleep in your arms and a parent has to weigh all the odds and make the choice of cosleeping or not. If you follow the other harm...
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    Gentlease spit up

    @silvestersloon My bub is 9 weeks and the spit up has finally started to settle. If baby isn't crying or projectile puking out formula, they're most likely fine. It will get better as they get older. Invest in some cute bibs to help save the outfits.
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    Am I supposed to run 3 whole washer cycles every 1-2 days for 3-8 tiny rectangles?

    @wisper The same as the prewash you would do with a full load. For me it's a cold heavy duty cycle with half cup Biz and half cup Foca detergent. If you aren'd going to do the second wash right after you want to hang the diapers on a drying rack to avoid molding between main wash and drying.
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    How much does your baby eat in a day?

    @augusto Between 20-24oz. 7 weeks, 9lbs-ish. The doctor said an ounce an hour was fine since she's still growing and has no other issues. She eats 3oz every 2.5-3 hours.
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    6 month eating from syringe, fights bottle.

    @prophoss How old is your baby? If they stop at 5 ounces and are content they may just not be that hungry anymore. Babies will sometimes have periods where they eat slightly less in a day or want less formula more often.
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    Help with new formula

    @universalistanthony It can take up to two weeks for baby's digestion to settle. 4-6 weeks old is a crazy time for gas and tummy trouble. If the partially hydrolyzed formula doesn't help after a few weeks, you may need to try soy formula or fully hydrolyzed formula.
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    Help with new formula

    @universalistanthony Go for partially hydrolyzed, actual lactose intolerance is rare in infants.
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    Help with new formula

    @universalistanthony Is your doctor thinking the baby has a protein allergy? Most babies with cmpa outgrow it by three years old, so using a non-dairy formula now has no bearing on being able to drink cow's milk in the future.