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    My mom died, I inherited her shares to the family company and my uncle says I’m not ready to lead after 13 years of hard work

    @cocoon87 Agree! Firstly, I’m so sorry you’re in this position at all. Sending so much love and light your way. Secondly, you want to be the boss? Be the boss. Make the moves, if you have a board, go to them to start the process. Why is he there? Does he have shares? Announce your role and...
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    New dad here, please help. Seeking advice from those with experience in this situation. TIA

    @monicabay Definitely this. Have you seen a local lactation consultant or met up with a local La Leche League? They might be able to help your wife with information, technique and just a confidence boost to feel more empowered!
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    Has anyone been a SAHM during the day while husband is at work and then gone to work in the evenings? How did it work out for you?

    @lineman2015 Exactly this. I think so many women, and people generally, consider working from home or working part time being a SAHM. You would be a working mom, not a SAHM. I WFH and so often hear how lucky I am to be home with the kids, but I work the whole time? It’s hard to juggle...