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  1. C

    Mom bods

    @whatwasoldisnewagain Mine was a couple months after, not 8 months like PP's, but it's a huge surgery and my scar is maybe 6-8" long, so it's bound to happen. I didn't die or get infected of course, but seeing it oozing blood and that feeling of a stitch popping when I would get out of bed was...
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    Mom bods

    @seen121 I'm really afraid to do ab workouts too, even 1.5 years pp! You're nto alone. I had my scar split open at one point too and it was terrifying. I still get pain in the area if I even stretch it the wrong way. I just learned that my insurance provides a service called Hinge which is...
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    @neo_ocelot Thank you so much for sharing. If it isn't too invasive, would you mind elaborating on why you regret it? It might help some people who are lukewarm on it consider another perspective. If it's too personal, please do not feel the need to share!
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    Questions for daycare mamas

    @bellamas Hahahaha. A lot. He started attending full time when he was 12 weeks old. He’s 2.5 years old now and it’s only recently slowed down (he’s finally staying with a core group of classmates who move up to the next room as a group) plus it’s summertime so we will see how the cold months go...
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    One and done by choice slash medical but this is not enough for some ppl

    @lambrini No advice, just solidarity. We are OAD by choice and for medical reasons too. People are annoying a f about having another kid and I'm like ~ lol no :) ~
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    I’m able to handle more than my only on occasion because I’m not stretched too thin

    @betterorworse It’s always okay to change your mind/stance as things change! Keep an open mind if you’re on the fence and make a decision that feels right for you when the time comes. We usually say it’s a “2 yes, 1 no” around here so make sure you’re on board for 2 if that’s what you guys decide. 🙂
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    I’m able to handle more than my only on occasion because I’m not stretched too thin

    I occasionally get to play “mom” to multiple kids since i’m not mentally or physically stretched too thin in everyday parenthood. This past weekend, I texted a friend whose husband recently underwent major surgery. The friend was/is nursing him around the clock. O offered to watch their child...