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  1. C

    One and done because my partner will never carry the same mental and physical load when it comes to taking care of this child

    @kerithravine410 A very good work friend of mine currently doesn’t have kids, but he wants kids very much. I said that’s great, but just make sure you do 50% of the work. He then asked me if my husband did that with our son (diapers, feedings, etc). I said yes, and it was STILL incredibly hard...
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    Is OAD becoming more common in part because parenting is harder now?

    @katrina2017 Exactly. I often hear older folks groveling about how we hover over our kids too much and it’s like, no, Jan, it’s no longer socially acceptable to ignore your kid for 8 hours while they sit in front of a tv or totally disappear off your radar at a very young age. We read to kids...
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    WIBTA for not wanting more kids/suggesting that one of us gets “fixed”?

    @musicoceanview34 Sure! It’s r/sterilization !
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    WIBTA for not wanting more kids/suggesting that one of us gets “fixed”?

    @musicoceanview34 There’s a lot to unpack here. This sub usually does not discriminate against young parents or parents who slip up with contraception- we are all human, after all. That said, habitual slip-ups seem like a problem and perhaps point to bigger maturity/relationship issues. I...
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    One and done because my partner will never carry the same mental and physical load when it comes to taking care of this child

    @kaff23 For real! My 2 y/o puts his laundry in the hamper, cups and plates in the sink, trash I’m the bin, and cleans up his toys. This is what we expect of him at this age and he can do it. We will have him learn to do laundry and help prepare meals when he’s older. Both of us will be damned if...
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    Do you have a village?

    @jlkuhioe My in-laws are great and live 10 minutes away; however, we don't often ask them for help. They would do anything they could in a heartbeat, but we pay for full-time daycare as everyone works full-time, we rarely go out for dates (a couple times a year, at best) and really only ask for...
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    How much are y'all paying for babysitters/daycare per week ?

    @987abc You mean an overnight? Not sure but I’d be willing to pay like $20/hour for a date night out. We pay for full-time daycare in the coastal northeast US. It’s not a cheap part of the US to live in. Daycare is $333 per week and that doesn’t include any food or diapers.
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    Anybody else feel like a bit of a failure?

    @ladyknox I felt really broken as a woman, too. I have PCOS and am infertile, so needed a decent amount of help just to get and stay pregnant. That felt like the first strike against me. Then, they told me the night before birth that I'd need a c-section. I felt like a failure for that, too. I...
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @margrethe Here to support you. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with all of this. You articulated your point very well despite everything. Finding a new job in the midst of newborn chaos is not easy. Do you know your bottom line, minimum salary you’d need to pull this off alone? What would your...
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    Reaffirms OAD to me

    @artzmel11 Yes, I agree. Any hard times like illness in the early years is manageable because I know I only have to do this once.
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    Mom bods

    @whatwasoldisnewagain Mine was a couple months after, not 8 months like PP's, but it's a huge surgery and my scar is maybe 6-8" long, so it's bound to happen. I didn't die or get infected of course, but seeing it oozing blood and that feeling of a stitch popping when I would get out of bed was...
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    Mom bods

    @seen121 I'm really afraid to do ab workouts too, even 1.5 years pp! You're nto alone. I had my scar split open at one point too and it was terrifying. I still get pain in the area if I even stretch it the wrong way. I just learned that my insurance provides a service called Hinge which is...
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    @neo_ocelot Thank you so much for sharing. If it isn't too invasive, would you mind elaborating on why you regret it? It might help some people who are lukewarm on it consider another perspective. If it's too personal, please do not feel the need to share!
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    Questions for daycare mamas

    @bellamas Hahahaha. A lot. He started attending full time when he was 12 weeks old. He’s 2.5 years old now and it’s only recently slowed down (he’s finally staying with a core group of classmates who move up to the next room as a group) plus it’s summertime so we will see how the cold months go...
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    One and done by choice slash medical but this is not enough for some ppl

    @lambrini No advice, just solidarity. We are OAD by choice and for medical reasons too. People are annoying a f about having another kid and I'm like ~ lol no :) ~
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    I’m able to handle more than my only on occasion because I’m not stretched too thin

    @betterorworse It’s always okay to change your mind/stance as things change! Keep an open mind if you’re on the fence and make a decision that feels right for you when the time comes. We usually say it’s a “2 yes, 1 no” around here so make sure you’re on board for 2 if that’s what you guys decide. 🙂
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    I’m able to handle more than my only on occasion because I’m not stretched too thin

    I occasionally get to play “mom” to multiple kids since i’m not mentally or physically stretched too thin in everyday parenthood. This past weekend, I texted a friend whose husband recently underwent major surgery. The friend was/is nursing him around the clock. O offered to watch their child...