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  1. H

    For those who have weaned before.

    @vl32 I got pregnant 10mo PP and developed a feeding aversion around 4-5 months later. My son naturally day weaned and pretty much only fed if he was hurt or ill so that was fine. Night time was torture though. It was a bit sad going from loving our time breastfeeding to dreading it! But the...
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    “GeT rEaDy!”

    @richardnm Urgh yes! Hubby’s cousin has 2. Thing is there are usually 4/5 of them taking care of the kids (herself, her husband, her parents and her grandmother). When we told them we were pregnant via FaceTime they were like ‘oooh look what you’re in for’ and showed us a very happy newborn...
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    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    @roseallan Very true! I just meant unlucky with baby’s position. My care team were incredible and if it wasn’t for them, neither of us would be here.
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    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    @snowtrekker Back labour suuuucks. My first was transverse & back to back and that shit hurt. Felt like I was being stabbed over and over! I told my husband I’d be marrying the anaesthetist who did my epidural. Second baby was mild-moderate period cramps and felt nothing like the first. Gas...
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    How do I emotionally survive my 4 mo’s shots?

    @davidschmitt We give Calpol in the waiting room. I hug him tight and just give him all the cuddles afterwards. It sucks but it’s so much better for them in the long run!
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    10 Year Old Can't Read or Count

    @justheretotalk Very odd that at 10yo they haven’t requested any sort of evaluation or approached the mother. The school has failed her.
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    15 months in…. When do I sleep again?

    @allisonbella Our oldest is 24 months and still wales. Youngest is almost 7months and sleeps better. We haven’t done anything differently.
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    10 Year Old Can't Read or Count

    @v2kwame Unfortunately if it’s not brought up in a certain way, parents can double down or get defensive when approached about things like this. They often end up in denial and help for the child is delayed even further. OP is right to worry about how best to approach it tbh.