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  1. K

    Who are those people losing postpartum weight?

    @majestic99 Yeah I ended up gaining 15 kgs and lost 7 kgs post birth. I am sitting with additional 8 kgs and stuck with it forever. I am eating home made food and my baby is sleeping well in the night. I am very active as well. I used to be very hungry during my pregnancy. I ended up eating for...
  2. K

    Who are those people losing postpartum weight?

    @majestic99 Did you gain only 6 kgs in the pregnancy?
  3. K

    Who are those people losing postpartum weight?

    @truthinlight I know it wont melt away like that. But why is the scale not moving is my question
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    Who are those people losing postpartum weight?

    @fishergirlusmc I come from curvy body family. My mom is a pear shaped women so am I. I saw her pictures of postpartum she gained weight in hips and thighs area where I have gained to. Her breast went back but she did not breastfeed us for more than 3 months. My sister held on to baby weight 4+...
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    Who are those people losing postpartum weight?

    @heretoeternity1 Same here. I am not losing but am not gaining either. I dont get it. How are women losing weight?
  6. K

    Who are those people losing postpartum weight?

    I am 7 months PP. I gained 14.5 kgs overall (height 5’1 and pre pregnancy weight was 60 kgs). My first trimester was bad so I lost 2-3 kgs in the first trimester. But afterwards I gained steadily in the second trimester. It was my third trimester where I gained the most. Anyways after delivery...