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  1. S

    “HaVe yOU tRiEd gIvInG heR SoMe BOiLeD waTeR?”

    @sos2 Agreed. I’m all for following dr recommendations on not giving that until a certain age, even then I almost exclusively BF and just pump some for a small stash in case I ever need it. He will usually sleep a good 4-6 hours stretch (occasionally longer) at night so it’s not like I’m up all...
  2. S

    “HaVe yOU tRiEd gIvInG heR SoMe BOiLeD waTeR?”

    @sos2 My MIL constantly saying rice cereal in milk to “make him more full so he sleeps longer.” No, he’s full on my milk and sleeps just fine at night thanks. And her constantly saying she used to dip my husbands & his siblings paci’s in syrup/jelly whatever & feeding them rice cereal with...
  3. S

    Nursing tank recommendations (no clips!$

    @okfine I got some cheap stretchy tank tops from Walmart that I have been living in recently!