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  1. T

    What are babies like at 5-6 months

    I'm a ftm to a 2 month old, and I'm trying to make plans for the holidays in December. LO will be just shy of 6 months then. Since this is our first kid, I really don't know what to expect. Will we be sleeping more than we are now? Will we be spending less time feeding \ contact napping \...
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    Torticolis, tongue tie, not transferring well, reflux, not gaining weight, diarrhea..anyone?

    @coahline It’s not easy, especially for the first couple of weeks. You can try to coordinate with baby feeds. So every time you finish feeding the baby, pump! I find that if I put my baby on my legs or on the bed touching me, she’s usually happy with the contact and falls asleep. Sometimes if...
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    Torticolis, tongue tie, not transferring well, reflux, not gaining weight, diarrhea..anyone?

    @coahline Don’t have a solution, but wanted to say go with your gut. Specialists often have one size fits all solution, but you know what’s best for your baby. I’ve been EP, and that is at least reassuring because I know how much my baby is taking every feed. Even though it’s not as satisfying...
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    6.5 month old- waking every hour

    @arrachidi Aww I'm sorry that didn't work out! I hope good sleep is round the corner for you! Some other things we did that may have helped, we put on a small red light only in our room. Aside from that the room is completely dark. We put white noise but I don't think it makes much of a...
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    6.5 month old- waking every hour

    @arrachidi Can you try a pacifier? My LO cosleeps and the sleep regression hit us hard. We had those hourly wake ups for over a month and that's when we decided to cosleep and it helped ( she still wakes up 3-4 times a night but we get 2 3 hours stretches after her 2 feeds). Within those 3 hour...