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    Unicorn baby solidified OAD

    @samanthaadams Definitely relate! Though my unicorn baby is now a very spirited toddler lol. LO is incredible and I wouldn’t want to be focusing on another baby when I can be in the chaos and fun with my only.
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    Unicorn baby solidified OAD

    @abbagirl2017 Can totally relate to this!
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @margrethe I would open a separate HYSA and have some portion of your paycheck direct deposited to build savings just for you that he doesn’t know about.
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    those who don’t live near family: how do you spend your vacations?

    @1stjohn0666 We do not live near any of our family and my husband has similar leave as yours (I have more). We use 2 of DH’s 3 weeks to visit family, 1 to go on our own vacation. My family comes to visit us usually twice a year and his we offer to fly out for LO’s birthday. I would definitely...
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    Factors that contributed to your OAD decision

    @walid373 I had an easy pregnancy, easy birth, easy recovery (PPA, but only a few months thankfully and I have a great therapist), supportive spouse and the financial resources to have another if we wanted. LO was an easy baby and is a happy toddler. Really, everything points to it being an easy...
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    Experience of people who have siblings - how have you felt about the size of your family of origin?

    @sisi It definitely did. I’m much closer to the non-favorite sibling, who feels the same way. Working on improving my relationship with the favorite; I know it’s not my sibling’s fault, but it’s harder to do that now that we’re all busy adults with our own lives.
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    Experience of people who have siblings - how have you felt about the size of your family of origin?

    @sisi I am one of three, all planned, each 2.5-3 years apart. I definitely never wished for more siblings - my parents still tell stories about how I was unhappy getting siblings. I have good relationships with my siblings, but I’m much closer to my (unrelated) friends. My husband is also one of...
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    Working parent rant

    @paxsincera This right here ^
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @faen I agree with this. And make sure you’re on excellent birth control OP.
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    Little things that solidify OAD

    @husbandfather I believe I mostly did Oh Crap but honestly I just did what my friend did (she read oh crap) and gave me the general idea. Our LO is in daycare and we did no pants for a regular weekend - she mostly had it down by the second day, with a few accidents at daycare the first week. Her...
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    Little things that solidify OAD

    @husbandfather I may be the odd one out, but it was pretty low stress for my LO. We started after 2.5 and while I wasn’t sure she was ready, she got it really quickly.
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    Do I have PPD/PPA or am I sleep deprived?

    @dekta09 I had the same issue and felt like an entirely new human after LO was sleep trained. Once LO figured out how to fall asleep independently, she stopped waking up for night feedings at all - we got 12-13 hour nights by night 4. She’s now a toddler but I will never forget how life changing...
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    Torn on being one and down

    @21chicken My husband is very close to his brother and he is 6 years older than him if that helps at all! My bff is an only child - I call her my sister and she is my only’s godmother. It’s really tough to make these huge decisions, but you have time :)
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    Torn on being one and down

    @afrahatun So happy it helped you :) Highly recommend joining us over on r/oneanddone!
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    Torn on being one and down

    @21chicken I would suggest taking the decision off the table for now and planning to revisit it in a year or two. You said your LO is only 9 months old and your husband wants to have a second in next 4 years - what is the rush? My husband and I are very likely OAD with a toddler and are giving...