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  1. F

    How would you respond to this?

    @sweetspirit01 I know it’s not what OP wants to hear, but I have zero sympathy. Being late is really rude in my opinion. I have four kids, 11 8 2 and 5 months. My kids have never missed the bus or been late to school. Everything is prepped at night. Morning consists of getting dressed, eating a...
  2. F

    Anyone on here who’s partner isn’t an abusive a-hole?

    @vigilantrogue I’m laying in bed right now. I asked my husband to let me sleep in today. He grabbed the kids at 7am. It is 8am and I’m scrolling Reddit. I haven’t heard any screaming. I’ll go downstairs in a few to a fed baby and clean toddler, and I’m sure the older two are vegging out...